Hosted by: Katherine Peloso Smith

TUNING IN is where intuition meets strategy in the world of conscious leadership, soulful entrepreneurship, and spirituality. Join Katherine-- Intuitive Leadership Coach--as she brings inspiring conversations and...

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3. 10 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

  In this episode, Katherine cover's 10 practices to start incorporating, to strengthen your intuitive powers.  Each of these ways help to connect us deeper with who we are, and allow us to get more aligned with...
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2. Why Intuition? What does it mean for your Health?

In this week's episode, Katherine talks about the connection between Intuition and Ultimate Wellness Potential. Key points: Being disconnected from our true selves Looking to the outside to "fix us" If you feel like...
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1. My Personal Wellness Story

Katherine shares her super personal wellness story from growing up with disordered eating and navigating life with major digestive issues, to healing it all and now helping other women to do the same. Main...
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This is an exclusive Pre-Launch to Katherine's BRAND NEW Podcast: TUNING IN- The Ultimate Intuitive Lifestyle Podcast all about intuitive wellness, natural nutrition and raising the VIBE ✨ Check out this sneak peek...
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