20. Balance THIS Hormone for Weight, Energy & Stress Management

FREE TRAINING: "Beat Burnout"  LIVE Tuesday April 18th 8:30pm 

Book a Complimentary Discovery Call 

In today's episode, Katherine starts off by sharing a mini life update and a major lightbulb/ insight moment she got from something her 5 year old son did this past week!

She then dives into the main topic of the day... all of our favourite weight, energy and stress management hormone... "Cortisol"! 

  • The role it plays in the body
  • When too much, or an imbalance becomes a threat to your health 
  • What signs and symptoms of high Cortisol to look for 
  • What needs to happen in order to re-balance 
  • PLUS 6+ habit suggestions to get you started on rebalancing your cortisol levels NATURALLY  

If you are looking for more detailed information and support on how to manage your weight, improve energy, and balance your stress hormones feel free to reach out to Katherine by email  [email protected] or on instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama. You can book a complementary discovery call HERE. Or check out her website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com for a list of her current offerings. 

Thank you for listening!! And if this helped you at all, please like, share, follow... all the things.. to help get the word out! 

In happiness and health xx


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