12. 3 Habits That Changed My Life


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This week on TUNING IN, Katherine shares a big "Life Update!"

Where are they and where are they headed??

She then goes into discussing 3 of the major habits (BIG ROCKS) that have changed her life. 

1. Meditation (how it started and how its going now) 

2. Avoiding foods that make her feel like crap (her 3 non-negotiables and navigating this in a different country)

3. HIGH VIBE Journalling (how doing this every single day is what helped her to manifest the exact life she is living now) 

If you are interested in learning more about how to discovering which foods work and which ones don't, check out the Back to Your BEING program HERE in this 12-week specially curated program to help you design your ultimate intuitive lifestyle.

If you'd like to dive deeper or would like to discuss how these habits could potentially benefit you, reach out with any questions to @mind.body.spirit.mama or [email protected] 

And as always, please like, share, follow-- all the things you can to help support getting the word out! 

Much love, and thank you for listening, 




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