11. The Key to Success, Abundance and Inner Peace


In this episode of TUNING IN, Katherine starts off by sharing a Major Announcement about her signature wellness program!!!

(Hint Hint: click here for more info)

She then dives into the main topic, "the KEY to achieving true success, abundance and inner peace":


Katherine explains how learning to love yourself- all of yourself - exactly as you are and exactly as you are NOT... will guide you directly to achieving all that you desire for yourself. 

How Self Love is the gateway to greatness, fulfillment and true happiness and by consciously practicing it, it will allow you to reach levels of wellness you never dreamed possible. 

"When you show yourself LOVE, the universe notices and says “she’s showing herself love, let’s love her too”-- and then others will see you sending yourself love and think "I want to send her love too—". 

Love as on emotion, carries one of the highest vibrational frequencies, and it's MAGNETIC-- we are drawn to it! Because of this, it can be extremely healing when experienced often- especially from ourselves. 

Katherine goes on to share more insights on ways to practice self- love on a daily basis and how these practices differ from "self-care". 

1. Showing up for yourself every

2. Canceling thoughts and beliefs that don't support your self-love 

3. Reprogramming these thoughts and beliefs to align with your self-love 

She also makes a note to explain that you can ABSOLUTELY love yourself exactly the way you are AND still support your growth… you can have it all!!

Katherine ends the episode with a special self-love meditation you can listen to at any time **please do not listen while driving or distracted**

Download your own copy of the Meditation Here

Thanks for listening! 






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