9. Do You Know Your Hunger Cues?

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In this week's episode of TUNING IN, Katherine talks all about how to recognize our hunger and satiety cues to help strengthen our intuitive eating practices. 

She covers 5 key hormones that are most associated with our body's ability to feel hunger and fullness:



3.Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)

4. Cortisol 

5. Insulin 


5 tips to help you better TUNE IN to your hunger/satiety cues when eating:

-avoid distractions and continue to assess your hunger throughout your meal-

-take your time- breathe between bites- pause

-tune in to ALL your senses (taste, sight, smell, sound, touch etc)

-avoid eating in heightened states of stress—if you are stressed and its time to eat— try calming your nervous system first

-CHEW CHEW CHEW- helps digestion, assimilation, and ensuring the body is aware that you are eating!

Katherine also explains how if it's NOT true hunger that you are feeling, what it could be instead-- eg. disregulated nervous system, poor gut health, imbalanced hormones, and/or stuck emotions

Finally, if it's NOT true Hunger, she shares several specific practices you can incorporate INSTEAD of eating-- to help calm your nervous system and fill the "VOID" in a way that is more supportive of your wellness goals! 

If you are interested in more information on how you can implement these practices or how to follow a Discovery Diet Protocol, please check out the Back to Your Body Program HERE. 

You can also reach out to Katherine via instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama or email [email protected] 

Thank you SO much for listening!



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