The Wellness Tips You Aren't Hearing About

Uncategorized Jan 30, 2024

Discover the Hidden Wellness Tips You've Been Missing Out On

Are you tired of hearing the same old wellness advice? Are you looking for something new and exciting to enhance your well-being? Look no further! In this episode of the Tuning In podcast, host Katherine Peloso-Smith shares 6 key lesser-known wellness tips that are sure to pique your interest.

#1 Social Connections: The Energetic Impact

Did you know that the people you surround yourself with can have a significant impact on your well-being? In this episode, Katherine explores the concept of social connections and how the energy we exchange with others can affect us on a deep level. Discover the importance of surrounding yourself with positive, high-vibe individuals who uplift and support you.

#2 Digital Detox: Unplug and Recharge

In today's digital age, it's easy to become overwhelmed by technology. But did you know that excessive screen time can negatively impact your physical and mental health? Katherine delves into the...

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How to Reset with Aligned Energy for 2024

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2024

Listen to Full Podcast Episode "How to Reset with Aligned Energy for 2024" Here

Embracing the New Year and Overcoming Post-Holiday Slumps

Happy New Year! It's Katherine Peloso Smith here, and I'm thrilled to kick off 2024 with you. As we step into this new year, I'm feeling the excitement of fresh beginnings and the anticipation of significant changes ahead. Astrology, numerology, and human design all hint at a year of transformation, abundance, and a bit of chaos before we settle into the new.

However, I want to keep it real with you. Despite my enthusiasm for the year, I've been struggling with the post-holiday blues. The festivities left me feeling overwhelmed, irritable, and in a slump. So, instead of pretending everything is perfect, I've decided to share some honest insights on how to navigate these feelings and start the year right.

In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm diving into the steps to get out of a slump and realign with our goals and values. Here's a quick rundown of...

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6 Signs You're Out of Alignment with your Higher Self


Listen to Full Podcast Episode " 6 Signs You're Out of Alignment with Your Higher Self" Here

Your Higher self is already living your highest purpose. 

The concept of the higher self is often discussed in spiritual circles, and it refers to the version of ourselves that is living out our highest purpose and potential. Our higher self is the embodiment of our truest essence, our core soul level, and it represents the version of ourselves that is aligned with our highest timeline and destiny.

Living in alignment with our higher self means that we are fully connected to our purpose and are actively working towards fulfilling it. It means that we are living a life that is authentic and true to who we are at our core. When we are in alignment with our higher self, we are vibrating at a high frequency and are able to manifest and attract the things we desire into our lives.


However, there are signs that indicate when we are not in alignment with our higher self. These...

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