74. 7 Ways to Activate Your Third Eye Chakra to Boost Intuition
LAST CALL: Join INTUITIVE QUEEN 👑We start May 6th 2024
Have you been feeling blocked from your intuition? Unable to connect with yourself, and making decisions that turn out to be flops? Then you're going to want to listen up!
I this episode of TUNING IN I'm sharing 7 key tips and techniques to help you activate and balance the third eye chakra-- the energetic seat of your Intuition.
Join me as I dive into how the typical practices of meditation, yoga, journaling, crystals, connecting with nature and more can support third eye chakra activation and boost your intuition!
AND If you're ready to ignite the intuitive queen within and join a community of like-minded souls, CLICK THIS LINK or DM me with the code "IQ" on Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama. We start on May 6th, and I can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you!!
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🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life.
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Connect with Katherine:
On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama
On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama
By email [email protected]
Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com
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