73. Signs, Synchronicities, Auras & Spirit Messages
Hello, lovely angels! We are back this week diving into the world of intuition and the signs and synchronicities that have shaped my spiritual journey. I share personal anecdotes from my childhood to adulthood, highlighting how intuitive gifts have always been a part of my life, even before I fully understood them.
From predicting pregnancies to sensing spirits and auras, I've experienced several intuitive moments that, in hindsight, were guiding me towards a deeper understanding of my abilities. I discuss the significance of numbers in my life, the power of songs popping into my head, and the profound messages I've received in dreams from souls who have passed on.
I also touch on my initial envy of psychic mediums and the realization that everyone- YES EVERYONE has the potential to tap into their intuition. It's not an exclusive club; it's a universal power that connects us all, including the spirit realm.
Most excitingly, I announced the launch of my new program, Intuitive Queen, a one-week intensive designed to skyrocket your intuition into the next dimension. It's about empowering you to recognize and harness the intuitive power within you, to co-create with the universe, and to live your highest vibing life.
If you're ready to ignite the intuitive queen within and join a community of like-minded souls, CLICK THIS LINK or DM me with the code "IQ" on Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama. We start on May 6th, and I can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you!!
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🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life.
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Connect with Katherine:
On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama
On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama
By email [email protected]
Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com