72. Ego vs. Intuition

Do you ever wonder if the "guidance" you're following is truly coming from your intuition? Like maybe it's something else all together? Being able to understand the difference between your intuition and the other "voices" in your mind let's say-- your EGO, can be tricky-- it's not always clear where the intentions are coming from! In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm breaking down several ways you can discern the difference between the two, and start living more in alignment with your HIGHER SELF! 

I hope these takeaways resonate with you and help you navigate the fine line between ego and intuition in your daily life. If you want to dive deeper into this topic and enhance your intuitive abilities, don't miss out my the brand new program starting MAY 6th--- INTUITIVE QUEEN! 👁️👑 Join me for a one-week intensive where we'll explore everything you need to discover, harness, trust and follow your inner wisdom! THIS is the program your intuition has been telling you about! Can't wait to see you there! XO


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🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. 

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On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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