65. Are You Trusting Your Intuition?

Join the Self Love Activation Experience - NOW OPEN! 

Welcome back to TUNING IN gorgeous! This week I'm sharing all about the foundation of Intuition --the SELF-- and how it's almost impossible to have discernment when it comes to following your intuition, if you aren't truly connected and in a "good relationship" with yourself! The first step to building your intuition is tuning in-- go figure! Understanding who you are on all levels of yourself, and then learning how to TRUST yourself. 

How do you really know if it's your intuition "talking", or if it's something else entirely? Find out in today's episode! 


And if you found this helpful or insightful in any way, please support The TUNING IN podcast by leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make a huge difference in visibility and spending the HIGH VIBES! 

Thank you so much for listening! 

p.s. THE SELF LOVE Activation Experience is OFFICIALLY OPEN!! Are you in??  

It's a Self Love Revolution!! Step into a world where embracing your purpose, honouring your worth, and prioritizing your well-being are the norm. Travel through the various stages of self-discovery to deepen your connection to SELF on all levels of your Being. Together, let's rewrite the narrative of self-love and empower each other to shine brightly. Build your confidence, and TRUST in all that you are and activate your innate gifts! Are you ready to transform what is possible for you?

JOIN NOW to start living your Highest Vibing Life!


Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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