64. A Self Love Journey Through the Chakras

DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE: 10 Questions to Uncover Your Self Love Goals

Hello loves! In today's episode of TUNING IN we explore the theme of self-love and its profound impact on our lives--how self-love isn't just a fleeting trend, but a potent FORCE that everyone should be talking about!

I talk about the misconception that self-love isn't as "sexy" as other topics like money and abundance, and I challenge that belief by highlighting how self-love is the foundation for all other forms of success and happiness. YA BABY!

To help you on your self-love journey, I've created a fantastic little resource – a booklet with 10 key questions to uncover your self-love goals. It's a free guide to help you reflect on where you're at with self-love and where you want to be. You can find the link HERE to download.

The highlight of the episode is our journey through the chakras and how each one can be activated to enhance self-love. From grounding ourselves with the root chakra to expressing our truth through the throat chakra, and connecting with the divine through the crown chakra, I share tips and practices to help you tap into the energy of each chakra for a more profound self-love experience.

If you're feeling the call to dive deeper, the waitlist for the Self Love Activation Experience is open! It's a transformative program that includes guided self-reflection, empowering coaching sessions, and heart-opening activities. Join the waitlist for special perks and discounts when we launch.

Thanks for listening, and don't forget to share with your bestie and rate and review on Apple Podcasts

XO Katherine 

Join The SELF-LOVE Activation Experience WAITLIST:

LAST CHANCE TO JOIN THE WAITLIST (no commitment necessary + bonuses and discounts to be announced)

It's a Self Love Revolution! Step into a world where embracing your purpose, honouring your worth, and prioritizing your well-being are the norm. Travel through the various stages of self-discovery to deepen your connection to SELF on all levels of your Being. Together, let's rewrite the narrative of self-love and empower each other to shine brightly. Are you ready to transform what is possible for you?

JOIN NOW to start living your Highest Vibing Life!


Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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