63. The Traumatic Experience that Led to my Biggest Self-Love Breakthrough (yet)

**TRIGGER WARNING** sexual assault 

Join the Waitlist: SELF LOVE Activation Experience 

In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm taking you through my transformative journey from a place of pain and disconnection to true alignment and self-love. It's my experience with sexual trauma at the age of 21, that I am now feeling called to share. For the first time in 13 years I feel grounded and actually pretty neutral about it all--- I've done a lot of healing around this experience, and despite my initial feelings of shame and guilt, I'm now choosing to release the grip it's had on me. And part of that release is speaking it out-- the more I do, the less power it has over me. 

SO here I am-- sharing my experience with you, in hopes that it can provide an example of finding true Self Love--in overcoming a difficult situation and reclaiming personal power, worthiness and VALUE.

Through all of this, I've learned that self-love is an inside job, and it's this love for myself that has transformed my life and relationships. My healing has allowed me to feel more supported, not because those around me changed, but because I found that value within myself.

I share this story to let you know that healing is possible, and it starts with you. If my journey resonates with you and you're seeking guidance on your path to reclaiming your power and self-love please reach out. I'd absolutely love to hear from you. 

I'm so grateful for this space to be vulnerable and authentic. Thank you so much for listening. 

And if you know someone that might benefit from hearing this episode today, please share with love. 

P.S. Download your Free copy of the High Vibe Journaling Workbook and learn the 3 specific steps to manifesting everything you desire in life through tuning in to raise your vibration!

💗The SELF-LOVE Activation Experience💗:

Are you looking to uncover your truest self at a soul level? Do you want to understand yourself on all levels of your being and learn how to show yourself love in the ways that best support YOU? The SELF LOVE Activation Experience offers various steps and methods to connect you with all aspects of yourself to heal, grow, and expand. When SELF LOVE is activated, you will radiate love within you, and towards all others to contribute to healing and positive change in the world! JOIN NOW to start living your Highest Vibing Life!


Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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