60. The Healing Age of Mother Earth- and what that means for YOU

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Hello and welcome back to TUNING IN! In this episode Katherine shares a powerful message she received about the state of our planet and the need for some serious healing. She discusses the transformational impact of connecting our mind, body, and spirit to achieve higher levels of consciousness and raise the vibration of our Earth....AND how this is where we are headed as healers of the new Earth. Katherine also touches on the current astrological and energetic shifts happening and how they relate to the spiritual message she received. Tune in to discover this transformative message and how it can positively impact your life!

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💗The SELF-LOVE Activation Experience💗:

Are you looking to uncover your truest self at a soul level? Do you want to understand yourself on all levels of your being and learn how to show yourself love in the ways that best support YOU? The SELF LOVE Activation Experience offers various steps and methods to connect you with all aspects of yourself to heal, grow, and expand. When SELF LOVE is activated, you will radiate love within you, and towards all others to contribute to healing and positive change in the world! JOIN NOW to start living your Highest Vibing Life!


Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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