44. How to Turn Your PURPOSE into a Career You Love

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In this episode, Katherine shares how to take what you are feeling CALLED to do, and turn it into what you GET to do for a LIVING! Having done this herself: switching from a seven year career in sales to now practicing as a Spiritual Wellness Coach, she has 6 key areas to consider when deciding how to make the switch.

  1. (00.03.45) Get Clear on Your Purpose (check out Episode 33 " How to Clearly Define Your Purpose" for support with this)   2. (00.07:00) What are your Values?   3. (00.10.05) What are your Gifts?   4. (00.13.00) How can you Serve Others?   5. (00.16.46) What am I good at versus what do I need help with?   6. (00.19.25) What type of "job" do you want?      

P.S. Would you like a FREE mini intuitive reading sent right to your email? Let Katherine connect with her intuition, and guides to provide you with a special message she receives just for you. All you have to do is send your Name and Email and a specific QUESTION you would like guidance on, to [email protected] and you will receive a reply with your reading within 48 hours. 

And don't forget to please rate and review, like, follow and share with your high-vibe bestie!! 

Thanks for listening! xx


Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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