42. 3 Steps to Uncovering Your Truest Self

Join the SELF-LOVE Activation Experience (Starting October 15th) *20% off until September 22nd, 2023*

Welcome back to TUNING IN! This week Katherine shares a personal experience of contemplating, and asking questions about her PURPOSE, and how it all started with a session she had with a psychic medium. 

She explains how this connection was just the beginning of really learning and discovering more about herself, and how to feel more FULFILLED moving forward in her life. From here, she began to turn over every rock and experiment and ask the big questions... which led to a complete career change, a major move, deeper connection to spirit and now even greater alignment to purpose! 

Katherine shares (in more detail) these 3 Key Steps that you can start incorporating right now, to help you uncover and connect to YOUR truest self, your divine purpose and to help you live a life of fulfillment and JOY! 

1. Connect with your "WHY" and let this be your anchor 

2. Learn how to distinguish out EGO

3. Uncover and release any blocks 

From here, you can start to strengthen your intuition even more, create a deeper connection and start calling in your truest self! 

If this resonates with you, and you are looking to PRACTICE and solidify your inner knowing of SELF, check out the 6-week Self-Love Activation Experience where you will have the opportunity to uncover who you really are at your HIGHEST Level and begin to cultivate unconditional LOVE for yourself and all beings via your pure HEART CENTRE. If you would like to experience:

  • Direct ALIGNMENT with your purpose 
  • Enhanced sense of WORTHINESS  
  • A boost in CONFIDENCE  
  • Increased Self-ACCEPTANCE  
  • More EASE and FLOW  
  • Deeper understanding and connection to your MIND, BODY and SOUL 

Take this as a divine sign that you are EXACTLY where you are meant to be**

Please click the link HERE if you are feeling called to register or inquire more.

P.S. Would you like a FREE mini intuitive reading sent right to your email? Let Katherine connect with her intuition, and your energy field to provide you with the special message she receives just for you. All you have to do is send your Name and Email to [email protected] and you will receive a reply with your reading within 48 hours. 

And don't forget to please rate and review, like, follow and share with your high-vibe bestie!! 



Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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Join the SELF-LOVE Activation Experience (October 15th, 2023)


50% Complete

Two Step

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