41. Why You Might Be Feeling Blocked From Self-Love


For a FREE *Mini Intuitive* Reading email [email protected] 

Welcome back to TUNING IN! In this week's episode, Katherine dives into 2 main reasons why we often feel blocked off from loving ourselves-- why we find it challenging and where it all stems from... and it might go much deeper than you think! If you're thinking "I'm not sure if I even AM blocked from self-love"... then not to worry, because she shares some common "symptoms" of what it often feels like, and how you might act when you aren't able to show yourself love in the way you NEED. 

Katherine goes on to share the main take-away of the episode, which is that we are so impressionable and vulnerable at a young age, that we are easily influenced by external energies. We take on these energies, experiences and emotions etc. as TRUTH....and we carry these "truths" into the rest of our lives. Now based on these life experiences, the reason you are feeling blocked from self-love is because you MADE A DECISION that you weren't "worthy" or "good enough". Not because it is TRUTH! 

SO, if you are feeling ready and called to RELEASE these blocks and LET GO of these energies and emotions that you've been carrying (that are NOT yours), you are invited to join The 6-week SELF-LOVE Activation Experience!! Click here for more information  + Early Bird Discount Until September 22nd!!

P.S. Would you like a FREE mini intuitive reading sent right to your email? Let Katherine connect with her intuition, and your energy field to provide you with the special message she receives just for you. All you have to do is send your Name and Email to [email protected] and you will receive a reply with your reading within 48 hours. 

And don't forget to please rate and review, like, follow and share with your high-vibe bestie!! 



Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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Join the SELF-LOVE Activation Experience *Starts October 15th 2023*  


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