30. How to ACTUALLY Create Your Own Reality

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**FYI** We apologize for the poor audio quality of this episode, unfortunately the microphone wasn't connected properly! Hopefully you can listen past the sound and enjoy the FIRE content! :)

In this week's episode, Katherine explains how YOU contribute to creating your own reality-- and how it's all possible, and backed up by the science of quantum physics. 

She describes how Consciousness is "ground of all being"- how it is EVERYTHING we experience: from the material/physical, to the mental, emotional, intuitive, energetic and beyond! 

It is from this place of infinite possibilities that WE have a role in creating what is actually "collapsed" into reality. This comes from our intention, our energies, our thoughts, beliefs and conditioning. 

Katherine also explains how there is a "collective consciousness" that plays a role in the reality we experience, and that is a "collapse" or "creation" meant for the "greater good of all". This is important to note, because what is in the highest good of the collective, may not be in your "best interest"- or what your EGO believes is best :) 

She further describes how consciousness is not created from the ego, but when we are in a "non-ordinary" state. One that is non-local, unitive or cosmic consciousness (ie. a state that we experience as one with all). 

We can achieve these states of consciousness through meditation, hypnosis, bliss states, etc.

Where YOU have the ability to actively create your reality, is through your OWN energies and actions:

1. Get clear on what you actually WANT

2. Become a Magnet for what you desire!

          --> Raise Your Vibration and Match your Frequency

          --> Shift Your Conditioning 

3. Take Action! Make the moves toward your goals. 

If there are things you are wanting to call in, it's time to drop the victim mindset and start taking responsibility in creating the reality you actually WANT! It's going to happen regardless.. why not have an aligned influence?


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Follow Katherine on IG @mind.body.spirit.mama

Email for inquiries [email protected] 

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