23. The Pep Talk We All Need Right Now

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In this week's episode, Katherine shares a motivational "voice note" to help you release what's holding you back/ keeping you stuck and to start putting your ideas, wishes, hopes and dreams INTO ACTION! 

"The only difference between people who are living the life they desire and people who aren’t, is the DOING– the action of actually doing it."

She describes the power in recognizing that "someday isn't coming"... that that day that you keep putting off is make-beleive...nothing is coming to save you, and it is up to YOU to start creating the life you want.

Katherine then shares a question she's been consistently asking herself lately in times of challenge or choice--- a question that will allow YOU to get clear on ANY answer you truly need. 

The time is NOW! 

Found this helpful? Share with your wellness bestie :) 

And if you are seriously ready to commit to making a difference and change in your life– if you're tired of going through the motions... if you’re ready to uncover exactly what has been holding you back from achieving your goals-- what habits work best for you, and exactly what you NEED in order to design a long-term sustainable healthy lifestyle that works and doesn’t feel like WORK... then THIS is for you: 

Check out Katherine's signature program: Back to Your BEING - your 12-week Self-Discovery Journey to support you in creating your Ultimate Intuitive Lifestyle! ** Now $1000 off ** email [email protected] or DM @mind.body.spirit.mama on IG for more details. 

Thanks for listening! xx


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