82. Reframing "Skinny B*tch" with Kiki Athanas
Kiki is an intuitive eating health coach who’s laser focused on helping women connect with their own version of the “skinny bitch” many of us secretly want to be. She's designed a completely unique program called 10/10 [with no annoying food restriction or ridiculous gym requirements] that allows women to finally turn off the “how do I lose those last 10 pounds” soundtrack that’s been playing in their head on repeat for years. She's a committed practitioner of the “eat dessert after every meal” food philosophy, and is currently traveling the world on her “live my best life” worldwide tour.
Join us as we chat all things Intuitive eating, the stigma around the cancelled word "skinny", and how you can actually start to live and feel good in your body by following your own cues!
Connect with Kiki:
Calendar Booking Link: Discovery Call
IG: @kiki_athanas
TikTok: @kiki_athanas
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Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com
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