79. Release Self-Doubt and Activate Your Inner Confidence

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This one's for those of you who are DONE feeling like you aren't good enough-- you know, that feeling that you just can't shake around putting yourself out there or stepping outside of your normal routine... this episode is all about how to release your self doubt, FOR GOOD-- so that you can relish in the beauty of Confidence!!

I delve into the foundational steps of releasing self-doubt and igniting self-confidence, by understanding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, and how this can help you break free from negative self-talk, indecision, and procrastination. I share powerful journaling and mindfulness practices that enhance self-awareness, allowing you to uncover and tackle the root causes of your self-doubt.

But that's not all – we can't forget the importance of self-compassion-- and treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during your most vulnerable moments.

I'm sharing some concrete tips as well-- such as how to set and achieve small, meaningful goals that build confidence and prove your capability. (So be prepared to make notes!!)

This episode is all about empowering you to become the most confident and authentic version of yourself. Tune in and take the first step --- your journey starts now!


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