77. Ancestral Healing and Returning to Our Roots with Rachael Hunt

In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm chatting with the lovely Rachael Hunt- Founder & CEO of personal development brand, Freedom School Co., creator of The Freedom Method™️ and the host of The Cycle Breakers Podcast.  Rachael is an Intuitive Indigenous Mentor helping women thrive in business, relationships, finances and personal well-being through subconscious reprogramming. She is an award-winning certified master NLP practitioner, specializing in Timeline Techniques, EFT, and hypnosis.

Join us as Rachael shares about her personal transformation through the re-discovery of her SELF, finding alignment and purpose, and her homecoming journey to reclaiming her indigenous roots. 

Follow along here:  

[00:04:49] Returning to indigenous roots.

[00:09:26] Identity crisis and transformation.

[00:15:35] Breaking free from conformity.

[00:19:36] Tulum's transformative vortex.

[00:24:29] Relationship with drinking shifted.

[00:29:02] Indigenous cultural exploration and learning.

[00:35:14] Embracing Indigenous Business Practices.

[00:39:13] Ancestral and generational healing.

[00:42:38] Intergenerational healing journey.

[00:47:24] Past lives and indigenous connection.

[00:51:32] Indigenous prosperity and healing.

[00:56:32] Leading with authenticity and heart.

[00:57:48] Ancestral connections and soul resonance.

Connect with Rachael: 

Website: www.freedomschool.co

Instagram: www.instagram.com/freedomrachh 

Masterclass: https://my.freedomschool.co/7-sacred-codes 

Book a 90-min Elevated Ascension Session: https://my.freedomschool.co/offers/vJNFhdF2/checkout?coupon_code=LONGWEEKEND 


Thank you so much for listening! xx


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Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

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Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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