71. How to Stop Making Decisions You'll Regret Later
Are you tired of making decisions that leave you feeling disappointed or regretful? This was me--impulsive, misaligned choices that would stay with me--that I would have to energetically "pay the price for" long after the decision was made...I'm talking everything from major business investments to having one too many glasses of wine. I used to think I just wasn't any good at making the "Right" choices...or that I just didn't have the "self-control"...until I realized that the actual issue was: I wasn't following my intuition in my decision making. I was letting my ego take charge, or some form of outside influence, and I wasn't listening to how the outcome would really make me feel-- from within.
This week's episode is all about how to start tapping into your intuition-- that inner knowing you have to make choices that are aligned with your HIGHEST SELF-- and how when I personally started to do this, my whole life changed. It's when I started manifesting things like years of travel, a condo in Mexico, rental home by the beach in Ontario, my Spiritual Coaching business and more!
Intuition is one of the greatest superpowers we have, yet it's WAY under-utilized. We have access to KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM that can guide us in living our most aligned lifestyle. It's so important to me that everyone feel empowered in making decisions. In TRUSTING their intuition and following it WITHOUT question or hesitation.
So if you are ready to strengthen your intuition, trust your inner knowing, and start living with confidence, freedom and ease, I invite you to join me for my brand new one-week intensive:👑👁️INTUITIVE QUEEN. This transformational program will help you tap into your intuition, make aligned decisions, and embody the intuitive queen within you. Think of it like the week-long INTUITION PARTY that you didn't (or maybe you did) know you needed!!
Click HERE for more information. We start May 6th.
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Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com