70. Why Time is Not Your Block, and How to Uncover What Actually Is
Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you just can't get ahead? You have all these goals but they keep inching further and further away.. WHY? Do you ever feel like time is against you? If only you had just a little bit more time, if only there were more hours in the day...I get it-- we can get SO busy that the days fly by and what did we even accomplish? And did it even move us toward our goals?
But what if it wasn't time that was blocking you- what if it wasn't something outside of you at all? What if all these blocks - like time, money, other people, no certification...etc were actually not blocks at all, and instead were excuses that you make to justify something EVEN DEEPER?
In this episode of TUNING IN I explain how there is a ROOT to every excuse, and how THIS is where we will find our blocks. I share the exact process I use with myself and my clients called "The Block Regression", to uncover the true blocks in order allow them to be cleared and worked through. In doing this, we get to accomplish everything we desire AND MORE!
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