51. 4 Ways Working with Energy has Changed My Life

Join the FREE Workshop on "How to Manifest Using the Power of Your Chakras"

Welcome back to TUNING IN! This week Katherine shares the profound impact working with energy has had on her personal growth and healing. Join her as she explains the transformational journey of harnessing and understanding energy in these four distinct ways:

  1. Confronting and releasing blocks, old patterns and limiting beliefs 
  2. Connecting with her higher self and purpose to switch careers and live more in alignment 
  3. On a physical level- by healing the nervous system, and balancing hormones
  4. Helping her heal and live with deeply rooted traumas 

Remember, you have the power to create positive change through working with energy. Embrace the journey and watch your life transform!

Join Katherine's Free Workshop on "How to Manifest Using the Power of Your Chakras"- where you will learn exactly how to read your chakras and understand how to balance them to become an energetic match!! If you're feeling blocked from Manifesting and you're ready to start calling in more abundance, love, success, peace and more--Don't miss this insanely valuable experience to shift your energy to clear what's blocking you and start attracting all that is meant for you NOW! REGISTER HERE Live on Zoom Thursday November 23rd

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And don't forget to share with your high-vibe bestie!! 


Mentioned in this episode: 

Katherine's Mentor: Margo https://www.wholebeautymd.com/ 

Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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