49. How to Become an Energetic Match for What You Desire
Register of the FREE Workshop: How to Manifest using the Power of Your Chakras
Welcome back to TUNING IN! This week Katherine's coming in hot hot hot with 3 very specific points on how to Manifest by becoming an Energetic Match for what you desire!
She explains that because everything is energy- yes everything- we are able to call in, attract and create exactly what we want by understanding and shifting our OWN energy.
All you have to do is:
1. Discern: "What are the energies of what I'm trying to manifest"- what energies do they hold, what energies do my beliefs carry about them...
2. Figure out: "Where am I vibing at? Am I currently a Match? If not, WHY? What energies am I carrying that are not a match, and what do I need to let go of? ** hint hint CHECK THE CHAKRAS
3. Shift the sh*t our of YOUR ENERGY! Through energy work, mindset work, hypnosis, clearing subconscious programming, emotional release, affirmations, visualizations etc.
Not sure how to figure out where you're out of alignment?
Join Katherine's Free Workshop on "How to Manifest Using the Power of Your Chakras"- where you will learn exactly how to read your chakras and understand how to balance them to become an energetic match!! If you're feeling blocked from Manifesting and you're ready to start calling in more abundance, love, success, peace and more--Don't miss this insanely valuable experience to shift your energy to clear what's blocking you and start attracting all that is meant for you NOW! REGISTER HERE Live on Zoom Thursday November 23rd
P.S. **CHECK OUT Episode 37. How to Manifest According to Quantum Physics to learn more about the Science behind manifesting!
If you resonate with this episode or find it insightful, please be sure to follow and write a review on Apple Podcasts-- your contribution is SO appreciated!!
And don't forget to share with your high-vibe bestie!!
Connect with Katherine:
On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama
On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama
By email [email protected]
Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com
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