47. Is Stress Blocking Your Intuition?

MIND BODY SPIRIT MAMA 50% off Spiritual Wellness Coaching for the month of October 2023- BOOK NOW

Today's episode is all about STRESS and why it's blocking you from cultivating a deeper intuitive connection. Even if your intuition is on point.. we all experience some amount of stress in our lives... and if you are experiencing high levels of stress (especially chronically), aren't you even just a little bit curious as to what level you could take your intuition to if you were able to properly REGULATE YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM??? 

When our bodies are in "fight or flight mode", there is only SURVIVAL. There is no room for possibilities, discovery or wonder. Chronic stress closes off all "unnecessary" bodily functions in order to provide enough energy to escape the perceived threat. This means that any type of intuition can often take a back seat. 

In today's episode Katherine teaches you about HOW the nervous systems works and WHY a regulated nervous system is KEY to tapping into deeper levels of your intuition. 

Grab a pen and paper for this one, as she shares her top 7 ways you can start regulating your nervous system RIGHT NOW. 

PLUS find out what else you can enhance when your nervous system is regulated!! You're going to want to listen to the end! 

If you found this episode helpful in anyway please like, follow and write a review on Apple Podcasts-- your contribution is SO appreciated!!

P.S. Would you like a FREE mini intuitive reading sent right to your email? Let Katherine connect with her intuition, and guides to provide you with a special message she receives just for you. All you have to do is send your Name and Email and a specific QUESTION you would like guidance on, to [email protected] and you will receive a reply with your reading within 48 hours. 

And don't forget to please rate and review, like, follow and share with your high-vibe bestie!! 


Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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