39. Life Update, Mercury in Retrograde, Something Secret & a Card Pull!

Join Waitlist to "FALL" In Love With Yourself *Coming October 2023*

 Hello beautiful! Welcome back to TUNING IN - The Ultimate Intuitive Lifestyle Podcast** In this week's episode, Katherine shares some life updates, the crazy sh*t that's been happening around Mercury in Retrograde and a SUPER exciting (and still secret) new offering that will be here in October! Plus a Card Pull Reading - see if it resonates with you!

Follow along these time stamps for each topic: 

[3:45] ...wtf is Mercury in Retrograde... 

[5:46]...migraine/ flat tire/ broken down car 

[8:42]...mom life update...balancing business and motherhood...leaning into mom role 

[9:05]...weaning youngest child and now sleeping through the night-- the ups and downs and al arounds

[13:45]...a new realm of possibilities and freedom as a mom and individual person...

[16:00]...deciding to officially homeschool...!!!!!

[19:26]...where we will be living for the foreseeable future...???

[19:46]...not getting the house we wanted and lessons of trust and surrendering...

[24:00]...embarking upon an even deeper spiritual journey this fall through mentorship groups, strengthening intuitive gifts and start sharing them more with others 

[26:50]...BIG NEWS... "FALL" in love with yourself...Secret New Offering Coming October 2023

[30:00]..why we often feel blocked from self-love...and HOW to release them...

[33:36]..if you're vibing with this conversation, JOIN THE WAITLIST HERE

[36:26] ** CARD PULL! ** (DM on Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama or email [email protected] for the full reading)

P.S. Would you like a FREE mini intuitive reading sent right to your email? Let Katherine connect with her spirit team, and your energy to provide you with the intuitive message she receives just for you. All you have to do is send your Name and Email to [email protected] and you will receive a reply with your reading within 24 hours. 

And don't forget to please rate and review, like, follow and share with your high-vibe bestie!! 



Connect with Katherine:    

On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

By email [email protected] 

Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

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Join Waitlist to "FALL" In Love With Yourself *Coming October 2023* 


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