35. Manifest Your Freedom Life with Marley Rose Harris

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This week Katherine chats with Marley Rose Harris: a business and money coach here to inspire individuals to step into what feels good and what is in alignment with their highest selves. Through empowering online courses, teachings, coaching calls, and live events she helps ambitious women achieve their goals in business and life by showing them how to live a life of freedom. By teaching the necessary mindset and business strategies, Marley reveals how any woman can live an easeful and abundant life influenced by their passions and deepest desires.

Topics Discussed:

4:50-  A Typical Day in the life of Marley (finding the joy and feminine flow with just the right amount of structure)

12:00- Living abroad, settling in Cape Town-for now ;) and the healing it's provided 

18:30- Bringing Manifestation, Money and Mindset from personal healing, into business 

25:05- "Your energy creates what you attract in your life"

25:41- What goes into re-programming the sub-conscious mind 

29:45- Getting to the root cause wound to break free from patterns

31:15- RRT (Rapid Resolution Therapy)

35:30- What's on Marley's Vision Board next  

38:30- The first thing you should do if you're feeling stuck with your business 

41:12- Katherine pulls a card for Marley 

Where to Find Marley: 




Spotify Podcast 

Apple Podcast 

Freedom Club

Higher Self Method  


Connect with Katherine:    

On instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

By email [email protected] 

New Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com 

Book a Free Discovery Call 

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