33. How To Clearly Define Your Purpose

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In today's episode Katherine gets you thinking about your PURPOSE. She explains how she believes everyone has one (or more) and by understanding what your purpose is, you can tap into higher states of consciousness, awareness and vibrational frequencies. Understanding your purpose allows you to expand in a way that provides a deeper sense of fulfilment, and feelings of love, joy, happiness and peace in your life. 

Katherine describes what a "purpose" could potentially look like for you, and 3 specific questions to ask yourself when trying to CLEARLY DEFINE what your purpose is: 

1. What are you here to learn?

2. What are you here to share?

3. What you here to leave behind?

She recommends taking some time to sit in quiet, meditation, journaling etc... something HIGH VIBE and really get present to your answers to these questions and see what comes up for you! 

If you are feeling a little stuck right now and not sure what your next move should be, defining your purpose is a wonderful place to start! 

If this message resonated with you today, please like, follow and share with your best friend! 

How to Reach Katherine:

On instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

By email [email protected] 

New Website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com (Check it out for 20% OFF until Jay 31st!)

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