32. Living Naturally with Amanda Beatty

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Katherine chats with Amanda Beatty, to discuss all things "back to our roots", including how she went from growing up and living in the city to now homesteading and playing with chickens and cows everyday!  This conversation will leave you feeling motivated and inspired as Amanda shares her practices to create flow while working from, homeschooling and tending to their land-- she seriously does it all, and makes it look so easy!

But that’s not all— she’s also a major "Safer Beauty Advocate", making her voice heard everyday supporting advancements of better labeling and ingredient disclosure in beauty and skin care products!! (She was just part of a team at Canadian Parliament involved in passing a new bill!) 

You will not want to miss a minute of this episode!

Follow Amanda Here:

Amanda Naturally Instagram

Whats Another Way Instagram

Safer Skin With Amanda Beatty on Facebook

Environmental Working Group: SKIN DEEP https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/

Follow along with Katherine at @mind.body.spirit.mama or send her an email to [email protected] or check out her website www.mindbodyspiritmama.com!



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