31. Why You Want To Start Raising Your Vibration

Join the 3 Day Challenge to Raise Your Vibration 

Take the VIBE QUIZ

In this week's episode Katherine sets the tone with a reminder to TAKE CARE of yourself this summer--What can you do to bring yourself back to YOU; to show your being that you are here, and you are caring for them??

She then dives into the topic of vibration and WHY you will want to start raising your vibration TODAY! 

Main talking points:

  1. What are vibrational frequencies
  2. What it means to raise your vibration?
  3. The 4 specific areas to consider when raising your vibration and the BENEFITS of doing so!

If you're ready to uncover and release blocks that have been keeping you stuck-- if you are ready to shift into taking responsibility for your life and step into more empowerment to create the life you've always desired.... I want to see YOU in The 3- Day Challenge to Raise Your Vibration!!! It's time to start attracting more sweet sweet honey into your life, and I want to show exactly how to do it!! :) 

Click HERE to learn more-- Challenge starts July 10th!


Found this episode insightful? Share with your *high vibe* bestie, like and follow for more! 

**P.S. Do you like quizzes? Try this quick and fun quiz to find out "How High is Your VIBE?" and don't forget to share your score :) 

Follow Katherine on IG @mind.body.spirit.mama

Email for inquiries [email protected] 


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