29. Healing Beyond the Physical Body

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This week's episode is for those of you who feel you are "doing all the right things" and STILL not getting the results you desire- especially when it comes to your wellness.

Katherine dives into why SO OFTEN people aren't able to reach or maintain their wellness results with the practices and habits they are implementing, and instead end up gaining back weight, or their pain returns or they just can't get to feeling 100%. 

Surprise!! It has nothing to do with the physical body, and everything to do with the VITAL BODY!

Why does this matter? 

Because if we only focus on the physical body, and ignore our Vital Body (our life force energy/prana/chi), we are missing an INTIRE piece of the puzzle to our BEING, and the opportunity to heal more deeply and completely. 

Katherine explains how the Chakra system is a beautiful way to connect the vital body and physical body, as there are specific chakras that align with each of the major organs in the physical body. While each chakra is associated with certain emotions, feelings, thoughts and beliefs through the vital body. 

Katherine shares her personal experience with healing her Thyroid with the help of opening her Throat Chakra. 

If you'd like more information on this, check out the Back to Your BEING program, where there is an entire module on the Chakra Connection and Energy Rebalancing. 

Final note: If you are not getting the results you want, start thinking beyond the physical-- tap into your Vital Body, and see what happens! 

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Thanks for listening xx


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