27. How to Become an "Intuitive Eater"

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In this week's episode, Katherine talks all about how to strengthen your intuitive eating practice. 

She explains how intuitive eating is a practice of nourishing your physical body through ultimate connection with your entire BEING, and she shares the 4 steps you must follow in order to become an "Intuitive Eater"

1. Let go of the Diet Mentality/Culture 

2. "Clear the Fog"

3. Understand your TRUE Hunger / Satiety Cues

4. Practice more Self-Respect, Self-Love and Self-Worth 

Throughout the episode, Katherine emphasizes the importance of understanding that our bodies are NOT machines, and that there is no "perfect number of calories, portions or nutrients" that will solve our eating issues. Intuitive eating is a connection with SELF- eating foods you LOVE, that make you feel GOOD and intuitively knowing when and how much fuel you require-- physically with food, but also emotionally... and how to do that without using food. 

If you found this episode helpful, please comment below, share with a friend, like and follow! 

For all other inquiries or to reach Katherine, email [email protected] or on IG @mind.body.spirit.mama

For more information on the Back to Your BEING program click HERE. 

Thanks for tuning in xx


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