25. Our Family Adventure with Jake Smith
*Listen to the end for a Big Announcement*
In this week's episode, Katherine bring's her husband Jake on to share all about what they've been doing the past 10 months on their "Family Adventure" traveling through Mexico and Costa Rica!
They discuss everything from the motivation behind the move and how they made it all happen, to the challenges faced and major highlights discovered along the way.
Find out how they continue to work at overcoming their fears of the unknown by trusting their intuition, what it's been like parenting on the road with kids 24/7, and how their circumstances have truly tested the strength and stability of their relationship.
Finally, Katherine and Jake share some BIG NEWS they are super excited to officially share with everyone!!
(Let's just say they are excited for this next chapter of their adventure and are looking forward to where life takes them next!)
For anyone who is interested in learning more about the personal development course they took and coached in, please feel free to reach out to Jake at [email protected] or click here for the website.
If you would like more specific information on any of the topics mentioned in this episode, if you have additional questions you'd like to ask, OR if you are interested in being a guest on TUNING IN, please email [email protected] or DM her on instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama
***Don't forget to like, follow, and share--- you know, all the things...Thank you for listening! xx