8. How I Healed My Relationship with Food
Free Meditation for Healing your Relationship with Food
**Trigger warning** some talk about disordered eating
In this week's episode of TUNING IN Katherine shares the path she took to healing her relationship with food and how it had NOTHING to do with food itself!
She talks about:
- HER battle with disordered eating and how we develop these issues in the first place
- Where it stems from
- Why food and our eating habits hold SO MUCH POWER over us
- The role our MINDSET plays
- What the subconscious mind has to do with it all
- PLUS the exact 3 steps she took to completely shift her mindset around food and ultimately heal her relationship with it!
Want a FREE Meditation to help you heal your relationship with food? CLICK HERE to access Katherine's go-to meditation (set to binaural beats!!) to help re-wire your subconscious mind to shift your thoughts and beliefs around food and eating habits. Listen to this every day for 15-20 days and you will be amazed at what begins to shift for you!
Interested in the Back to Your Body Program? This 12-week discovery program is starting February 7th! Click here for more information
This is a LOADED episode, so please feel free to reach out through email [email protected] or on IG @mind.body.spirit.mama if you have any questions!
Thanks SO much for listening!