4. The Biggest Piece of Advice I've Ever Received
In this week's episode Katherine shares the biggest, most influential piece of advice she's ever received and how it has shaped the way she lives her life and coaches her clients.
"Start Taking 100% Responsibility".
She talks about how this advice was a slap in the face to how she was acting and how following it started to shift the world around her.
She caps it off by sharing how YOU can get started taking 100% responsibility for your wellness by:
1. Dropping the Victim Mode
2. Saying YES to YOU
3. Getting off the Sidelines and Taking Action
4. Getting Curious, Asking Questions, Doing Research
5. Continuing to check-in with yourself
6. Shifting/Pivoting if you fall off!
I hope this episode lights a fire in your heart!
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In health and happiness xx