3. 10 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition


In this episode, Katherine cover's 10 practices to start incorporating, to strengthen your intuitive powers. 

Each of these ways help to connect us deeper with who we are, and allow us to get more aligned with achieving our greatest desires! 

Intuition is our built-in compass-- It's here to keep us safe from making poor decisions, but it's DEFINITELY NOT here to keep us playing small! It's here to guide us into taking big leaps and getting out of our comfort zones that we can live into our life's purpose!

Here are the 10 actions to get you started: 

1. Journaling 

2. Meditation

3. Using your 5 senses 

4. Body Movement/ Breathwork

5. Getting Grounded

6. Pay attention to your Dreams 

7. Release what's not Serving you

8. Reflect on the Past 

9. Try Something new/ Get out of your Comfort Zone

10. Challenge/ Test it 

+ Katherine shares how she used her intuition to move to a new country and what she looks for to continue to guide her along the way! 

I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to share and subscribe! 

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In health and happiness xx


Card Pull Messages for You:

#42: Fifth Ray of Intellectual Knowledge

"The fifth ray of Intellectual Knowledge has come to you as a spiritual gift. you are being given the ability to find information you need, understand systems that impact your life and find clarity in any issue that has seemed unclear or overwhelming. You shall sort the truth from the lies and learn what you need to know. The Archangel Raphael now assists you in integrating the blessings of the Fifth Ray."

#44: Seventh Ray of Ritual Order & Ceremony 

"When the gift of the Seventh Ray enters your life, something new is being formed, something that will benefit your world. There may e an increased interest in magic, ceremony and ritual for healing purposes. Resonating with high frequency violet light and the Archangel Zadkiel, the Seventh Ray also helps transmute energy from lower to higher frequency It is a spiritual cleansing agent that allows the truth of spiritual freedom, empowerment and choice to be seen and felt, restoring hope and joy the the heart."




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