1. My Personal Wellness Story
Katherine shares her super personal wellness story from growing up with disordered eating and navigating life with major digestive issues, to healing it all and now helping other women to do the same.
Main Topics:
- what made her decide to be vegetarian
- using food as a means of control and becoming obsessed with "health"
- feeling under nourished and overfed
- gaining 20 pounds in 3 months
- living a work-hard, play-hard lifestyle
- getting super sick in Thailand and never feeling the same
- finding out that too much high intensity exercise was doing more harm than good
- discovering the negative results of combining a high stress lifestyle, over exercising and yo-yo dieting
- "dealing" with a diagnosis of IBS
- what opened up when alternative wellness options were explored
- letting go of disordered eating patterns
- reversing low Thyroid function
- learning to tune into and listen to her body
- deciding to return to school and become a Holistic Nutritionist
- now supporting other women achieve their wellness goals
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